Water-soluble iron chelate EDDHSA shaped. PH range which ensures the stability of the chelated fraction: 3-12.
FLOWER FERRO Iron chelate can be applied to correct iron deficiency in any plant or crop: ornamental, fruit, citrus, grapes, vegetables, grass, etc..
As root fertilizer: Dissolve a full dose 20 ml (1 capful) in 4 liters of water (or, which is the same, 5 ml per liter of water) and pour this solution. As Foliar fertilizer dissolved in 5 ml 2 liters of water and apply foliar spray, thoroughly vegetation. Foliar get a quick response but not durable, so it is recommended only at times. Effect treatment at sunset.preventively Apply in spring, because you’ll get better results, or intervene immediately to the onset of symptoms (a healing). Implement a maintenance dose every month. Do not pay in full sun or spraying.
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