Thermal Fogger – Thermal Fogging Machine SM600
Engine | 25,4 Hp. Pulse Jet |
Burn Cell Frequency | 16.100 Kcal / H |
Tank | 5,7 Lt. (Stainless steel) |
Fuel Tank | 1,2 Lt. (Stainless Steel) |
Formulation Tank Pressure | 0,2 Bar |
Fuel Tank Pressure | 0,2 Bar |
Battery | 4 x 1.5 Volt. |
Formulation Consumption | 0 – 30 Lt. / H (Adjustable with nozzles) |
Fuel Consumption | 1,9 Lt / H. |
Weight | 7,9 Kg. |
Dimensions | 122cm x 27cm x 34cm ( L x W x H ) |
Thermal Fogger – Thermal Fogging Machine SM600
Thermal fogger manufacturer WhiteFog® brand has been established in Turkey in 1989. Portable thermal fogger model SM600 is a gasoline-powered fogging machine. SM600 works with oil-based formulation and a gasoline-powered pulse jet engine. If you need a water-based system, this needs to be notified to our company during the purchase.
Distinguished properties of electric – portable ULV fogger of thermal fogger machine
Thermal fogger or portable thermal fogging machine is known for its superior efficiency compared to other machines. As it has the smallest micron size. The SM600 device sprays a 5 litre formulation liquid as “1.590.000.000.000” particles with a diameter of 15 µm. Hence, the possibility of sprayed particles containing insecticide comes in contact with an insect is higher compared to other machines. It needs to be underlined that insects will never die if the particle containing insecticide does not come in contact with the insect! It is necessary that the sprayed particle contacts with the bug or the virus to ensure that they die out.
♦ Backpack type garden sprayer = 75 µm, 5 Litre, 11.900.000.000 particles.
♦ Thermal fogger machine SM600 = 15 µm, 5 Litre, 1.590.000.000.000 particles.
One of the most important properties of the portable thermal fogger machine is that the insecticide does not fall on the ground or soil. The insecticide in the air has an oil layer and does not evaporate. It develops resistance against sunlight. Since the particles remain a long time suspended in the air without evaporation, its rate of contact with insects is higher. As a result, insects die when the contact is realized. It disinfects in 1 minute an area of 1000 m2 and ensures saving time.
Briefly, these distinctive properties of the SM600 portable thermal fogging machine make it the most efficient spraying machine.
Operation principles of the portable thermal fogging machine
Portable thermal fogger transforms the formulation substance with the help of heat from the liquid to vapor form. It realizes this process quite rapidly (combustion chamber 1000C°, heat conjunction point of the formulation liquid 400C°). The possible smallest micron diameter is obtained by the thermal fogging machine. The diameter of the sprayed particles ranges between 0-15 µm. The drifted sprayed particles are able to reach every point.
Utilization Areas
- Portable thermal fogger machine, thanks to its insecticide fogger property, is used for pest control. It is used in the fight with vectors i.e. mosquito, houseflies (Musca Domestica), locust.
- When filled with the disinfectant liquid, it is used as a disinfection fogger for fighting against contagious diseases i.e. zika virus, COVID, COVID-19, chikungunya, malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever. This machine is commonly used in the public health area at state institutions, municipalities, Ministry of Health. It controls the spread of diseases and viruses.
- When filled with anti-Freeze liquid, it is used for protection against agro-frost in the agricultural area.
- The machine is also used in agricultural spraying and greenhouse spraying.
Thanks to the pulse jet engine the SM600 portable thermal fogging machine generates a high temperature. Thus, the formulations can be easily sprayed in mist form. Depending on your application activity, the machine can be easily adjusted for different purposes.
Notifications About the Thermal Fogger
1. What is the micron diameter?
Micron diameter means the size of 1 particle. It is expressed with “µm” and 1 mm is equal to 1000 microns. A human hair is 100µm thick, a particle’s size of the thermal fogging machine can vary between 1µm~50µm. The micron diameter is adjustable. Considering the application area and the bug type to fight, the micron diameter adjustment is very important. For instance, mosquito treatment needs a micron diameter of 0-15µm, housefly (Musca Domestica) treatment 15-30µm. We would like to remind one more time that the Thermal fogger machine supplies the smallest micron diameter.
2. Thermal Fogging vs. Cold Fogging
Thermal fogger machines make oil-based fogging. Thermal foggers are more efficient compared to cold foggers. The oil surrounded sprayed particles do not evaporate, do not get impacted from the sunlight, and have a broader area of influence.
Portable thermal fogger machines are used for the first emergency intervention at places where intensive contagious diseases occur and at places under excessive insect attack. Cold foggers are used to maintain the routine, after the first treatment done by thermal fogger machines. Since cold fogger machines are water-based, cost-wise cold foggers are more economic.
Briefly summarized, the utilization aims of oil-based thermal fogging machines and water-based cold fogging machines are different. The customer needs to know their need in advance.
3. What is the difference between the operation principle of the thermal fogger and cold fogger?
Thermal fogger machines and cold fogger machines have a similar micron diameter range. Cold fogger transforms the formulation into vapor with the air pressure, without the heat. A portable thermal fogger, on the other hand, transforms the formulation into a vapor state with the help of heat. Of course, airflow and power are important details, as well as the quality of the air pump of the cold fogging machine. If the air pump is insufficient and is not disintegrating the disinfectant into small particles as required, it is not possible to name that device as a cold fogger. Cold Fogger has to produce particles with a diameter under 30 µm.
4. Thermal fogger micron dimensions and correspondence
0-30 micron size = Cold Fogger
30-50 micron size = ULV Fogger
50-100 micron size = Mist Sprayer
100-200 micron size = Garden Sprayer
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